Monday, June 30, 2008


She lives at 122 W. 73rd Street between Amsterdam and Columbus. She sang in Starr Jones's wedding along with other singers from Broadway Cares/Equity fights AIDS. She can't stand Starr Jones and talked about her. Also hates Halle Berry -- better looking and makes more money than she does.

You can't imagine how much I hate this bitch. I would see her in the street and I would speak because we obviously know each other and she was involved with an ex-relative of mine. One day this bitch completely ignored me when I spoke to her out of courtesy, and that's all it took. The intense dislike I felt for her turned to hatred. I always thought she was ugly as hell. Big ass forehead and such, and she looks like one of the characters out of the movie: "Daughters of the Dust," one of the women Julie Dash portrayed as working with indigo. She is just UGLY.

No wonder the bitch gets cast as the "Fat Black Woman" in movies. She had gastic bypass, but her ass is still fat and ugly don't ever go away.

Sharon Wilkins, NYC Actress

June 30, 2008

I really hate this bitch: Sharon Wilkins. A former associate of mine was dating and engaged to this 'itch -- ugly, with a huge forehead from Newburgh, New York, who lives on the Upper Westside of Manhattan at 122 W. 73rd Street. She has done some shows on B'way and also a movie here and there where she plays typical stereotypical roles -- always the fat black woman.

The 'itch had gastric bypass surgery to lose weight because she was morbidly obese. She was in a movie titled "Palindromes" and the very sight of her would make you want to heave.

Funny thing is that she lost a lot of weight via gastric bypass but still is ugly as hell and fat.

She has a man that she bought by paying for EVERYTHING; he is black, divorced with three children and is illiterate; cannot read or write and last worked as a super of a bldg down the block from where WIlkins lives. It's a sad thing to watch a woman need and want a man so badly that she would settle for someone who is only with her because she shells out the loot.

Sad. Sad. Sad.