Monday, June 30, 2008

Sharon Wilkins, NYC Actress

June 30, 2008

I really hate this bitch: Sharon Wilkins. A former associate of mine was dating and engaged to this 'itch -- ugly, with a huge forehead from Newburgh, New York, who lives on the Upper Westside of Manhattan at 122 W. 73rd Street. She has done some shows on B'way and also a movie here and there where she plays typical stereotypical roles -- always the fat black woman.

The 'itch had gastric bypass surgery to lose weight because she was morbidly obese. She was in a movie titled "Palindromes" and the very sight of her would make you want to heave.

Funny thing is that she lost a lot of weight via gastric bypass but still is ugly as hell and fat.

She has a man that she bought by paying for EVERYTHING; he is black, divorced with three children and is illiterate; cannot read or write and last worked as a super of a bldg down the block from where WIlkins lives. It's a sad thing to watch a woman need and want a man so badly that she would settle for someone who is only with her because she shells out the loot.

Sad. Sad. Sad.

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